LoveHoney Group

I look after PR for premium pleasure brands Womanizer, We-Vibe and Arcwave, as well as for the umbrella brand Lovehoney Group (formerly WOW Tech).

My role across all four brands is to help them on their mission of leading the world’s pursuit of sexual happiness.

The PR I generate for Lovehoney Group has a strong focus on education around sexual health, wellness and empowerment. By engaging the media in this education, the brand is working to break down the various stigmas attached to sexual wellness around the globe.

While product sales are a key objective of the work I do with LHG, this often results indirectly. I work with Australia’s most respected sexologists to craft educational narratives around sexual wellness for our brands to own, and it’s this brand awareness and category leadership which drives sales. 

To amplify this, I routinely host events to engage the Australian media in sex education topics, and immerse them in our brands to keep us front-of-mind when journalists and reporters are working on their next sexual wellness story.